Douglas College, New Westminster

New Westminster,, Canada

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Child, Family and Community Studies

The Faculty of Child, Family and Community Studies runs one of the most innovative programs of Douglas. The faculty has been designed in order to meet the skills that the multinational employers generally ask for. The programs under this faculty have been designed to do four things.

The first is to equip students with the knowledge and practical skills to make them valued professionals. This department arranges over 800 practicums every year so that the students experience the importance of real-world experience. The college has a high rate of employment for its graduating students.

The second is to make the students get ready to pass a professional exam after their graduation. The third process is preparing students for further studies in college or elsewhere. The fourth process is to assist practitioners in returning to refresh their knowledge and upgrade their skills.    


Health Sciences

The Health Science Department is for those students who want to make a real difference in peoples’ lives. The faculty of health science is the greatest faculty in Douglas. It is for the people who like working with other people, communicating, supporting and providing the essential services to the people for their immediate needs. Under this department, the programs are strongly theoretical which helps in the practical at a later stage. Douglas is the only public college in B.C. which offers a program for Health Information Management Professionals. 


Science and Technology

This department provides courses which make students academically stronger and confident. In this department, students can pursue scientific research, mineral exploration and prepare themselves for a career in chemical, medicine, petrochemical or pharmaceutical industries, etc. If a student wants to pursue any of the above relate areas, then the Faculty of Science and Technology might be the best choice for the student.

There are also several specialized programs like :

  • list items Dispensing Optician
  • list items Veterinary Technology
  • list items Sports Sciences, etc. under this faculty. 
  • Sprinkles

    Humanities and Social Sciences

    The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences challenges the other departments with their extensive critical thinking and analytical skills. The students under this department also begin to develop strong analytical skills which help them in problem-solving.

    The Humanities and Social Science faculty cover the subject areas of :

  • list items Forensic studies
  • list items Future teachers and future professional pilots
  • list items Intercultural and international studies
  • list items Environmental studies and women’s studies. 
  • Sprinkles

    Commerce and Business Administration

    The Douglas Faculty of Commerce helps in launching a student’s career in the field of management, hospitality, and marketing. The commerce programs contain a span of information offering subjects like Accounting, Economics, Administration, and Technology. These programs are built as per the student’s skills and employers' needs.

    The department has combined the innovation in these subjects with the help of applied assignments which helps the students in building experience outside the classroom. The programs are accredited with the business school programs and serve quality education to the students.

    The major course under this department is the business administration course which is also a featured program of this college. This course is available not only for domestic students but also for international students. 


    Language, Literature and Performing Arts

    Douglas takes pride and delight in this department as it is about language, literature and performing arts. Learning a new language or a new type of art opens students to a new culture and gets people together. The college allows students to pursue their artistic and cultural desires by learning various languages and by researching lost cultures.

    This faculty offers courses in :

  • list items Communications
  • list items Community Music School
  • list items Creative Writing
  • list items Gender, Sexualities & Women’s Studies
  • list items Intercultural and International Studies
  • list items Modern Languages
  • list items Music, Performing
  • list items Fine Arts
  • Studying under this faculty in the college leads to the completion of the university-transfer courses which gives out associate degrees, certificates, diplomas, etc. Douglas encourages the candidates to attend the readings that happen as Arts events in the college. 

    Is Douglas College recognized?

    With about 25,000 students enrolled each year, Douglas College, founded in 1970, is the biggest degree-granting institution in British Columbia, Canada. The British Columbia Education Quality Assurance program recognizes Douglas College as it is a provincial seal that represents high standards in education and consumer protection on a global scale.
    Does Douglas College have dorms?

    No. Douglas College does not provide lodging for students on campus and also does not support any of the organizations on the list. Students are free to select any service that is suitable for them or satisfies their needs.
    What is Douglas College famous for?

    Douglas College is renowned for fusing the intellectual foundations of a university with the career-ready skills of a college and for having the most bachelor's degrees and post-degree programs of any college in British Columbia. Additionally, it provides a huge selection of short-term, top-notch non-credit courses and programs in a variety of subjects, including business, health, industry training etc.
    How much is tuition fee at Douglas College?

    The annual cost of attendance at Douglas College, which includes tuition of 12 lakhs and living expenses of 13 lakhs, is approximately 25 lakhs for students. With awards of up to 1.5 lakhs, Douglas College scholarships help roughly 4,523 international students pay for their studies.
    Why international students choose Douglas College?

    The academic foundations of a university along with the employer-ready skills of a college are combined at Douglas College. At Douglas, you'll get the best of both worlds: a comprehensive education and the practical, real-world skills required for success in academics and the workplace.