CCSE Graduate Scholarship for Cyber Security Enthusiasts

CCSE Graduate Scholarship

CCSE Graduate Scholarship

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The Centre for Cyber Safety and Education administers scholarships. Offered to graduate students from all over the world in order to alleviate some of their educational financial burdens.

Offered by  Institution 
Amount granted  INR 83,386 - 4,16,939
Type of scholarship  Merit-based
Level of program  Graduate 
Application deadline  February 29, 2024 
International students  Yes 
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What are the benefits of the CCSE Graduate Scholarship?

The CCSE Graduate Scholarship grants financial assistance to its scholarship holders which starts from INR 83,386 and goes till INR 4,16,939. Up to 20 scholarships will be given out. If the funds are awarded, they will be sent to the school with instructions to be applied to tuition, fees, and books. Award funds are NOT given to Scholarship holders. Awards are not renewed. In order to be considered for another award, you must reapply each year.


What is the eligibility criteria for the CCSE Graduate Scholarship?

To be eligible for the CCSE Graduate Scholarship, you need to fulfill conditions of the eligibility criteria of the scholarship which states that the applicant, 

  • list items Must be pursuing or planning to pursue a degree in cybersecurity or information assurance.
  • list items Must be enrolled in a Master's or Doctoral programme.
  • list items Must have a GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale (or an equivalent rank on a comparable scale).
  • Note: If you have recently been accepted to Graduate School or are just starting classes, you will use your undergraduate degree transcript's final cumulative GPA to meet this criteria.

  • list items To convert your GPA, go to
  • list items You may be of any nationality (US citizenship is not required).
  • list items You could be attending classes on campus or online.
  • list items You could be enrolled full-time or part-time.
  • list items Attending in the United States or abroad is possible.
  • list items You do not need to be enrolled right now, but no awards will be given out until the recipient is enrolled in a college or university.
  • Sprinkles

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    What is the application process of the CCSE Graduate Scholarship?

    You must submit a separate external application to be considered for the CCSE Graduate Scholarship. You must ensure that all of the details are correctly and carefully entered into the form. 


    What are the documents required for the CCSE Graduate Scholarship?

    The documents required for the CCSE Graduate Scholarship are:

  • list items Unofficial transcripts from your most recent (or current) educational institution. If awarded, no funds will be disbursed until official transcripts are received. Please do not send hard copies of transcripts.
  • list items One letter of recommendation stating the following:
    • How long have you known the applicant, and in what capacity?
    • What skills or abilities does the applicant have that will help him or her finish a degree?
    • What else about the applicant should be considered?

    NOTE: Academic references are preferred; however, you may submit a professional letter of reference addressing the points above.

  • list items Resume/CV - No more than three pages. Include no links to publications.
  • list items Essay questions to be answered in the application. The maximum word count for each question is 250:
    • Tell us why you should be chosen for this ISC2 Cybersecurity Scholarship and how you differ from your peers.
    • Explain why you require the scholarship.
    • Describe your personal and educational histories.
    • Describe why you chose your major and your academic objectives. What qualifies you for success in information security, and what are your professional goals?
    • Describe any contributions to the cybersecurity field, such as volunteer work, articles, and so on, as well as any other hobbies or extracurricular activities, and why they are important to you. (Please do not include links to articles.) Please tell them anything else they should know about you.

    What is the selection process for the CCSE Graduate Scholarship?

    All applicants will be scored by ISC2 members and scholarship donors (if applicable). The scoring system will be based on three primary factors or categories:

  • list items Passion: Through your essays and letters of recommendation, the selection committee will attempt to understand and analyse your interest in the domain.
  • list items Merit: Because this is a merit-based scholarship, you should be prepared to be evaluated based on your academic performance, grades, and research work from previous years.
  • list items Financial requirements: Any additional burdens or economic constraints will be considered before the scholarship is awarded.
  • Sprinkles

    How can you contact the CCSE Graduate Scholarship?

    For any questions or queries, you can email them at or call +1-727-493-3587, to get them answered. 


    Frequently asked questions

    What exactly is a graduate cybersecurity scholarship?

    Scholarships ranging from INR 83,386 to INR 4,16,939 are available from the Centre for Cyber Safety Education and (ISC)2. Undergraduate and postgraduate students are eligible for the scholarships. Those in the cybersecurity field are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

    Is cybersecurity a viable career path?

    Cybersecurity is regarded as an excellent career path. Cybersecurity analysts are in high demand. Furthermore, they can work in a variety of fields ranging from medicine to entertainment.

    Which cyber security course is the most effective?

    CEH v11 (Certified Ethical Hacker), Cyber Security Expert, and CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) are some advanced level cyber security courses.

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