Debesh Kamal Scholarship for Higher Education Abroad

Debesh Kamal Scholarship

Debesh Kamal Scholarship

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The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata, awards the Debesh-Kamal Scholarships to meritorious applicants for higher education/research overseas. The scholarship is open to all Indian citizens, regardless of caste, creed, or religious faith.

Offered by  Institution 
Amount granted  INR 1 lakh 
Type of scholarship Merit-based, Need-based 
Level of program Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctorate
Application deadline May 05, 2024 (tentative) 
International students  Indian Students 
Official url  Debesh Kamal Scholarship

What are the benefits of the Debesh Kamal Scholarship?

Debesh Kamal Scholarships are available for universities in Canada, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Singapore, among other places. In a nutshell, it applies to all nations where Indian students want to pursue higher education.

All the students need to note that they are expected to have sufficient financial resources to pay expenses not covered by the scholarship because the maximum award amount is 1 lakh INR.

Students enrolled in all courses will be eligible for the scholarship. However, students seeking education in the arts and basic sciences will be given preference by the selection committee.

The Debesh Kamal scholarship is intended to cover a portion of the costs that an Indian student studying abroad may incur. Students who apply for this scholarship must declare any other scholarships or financial help they may be receiving. 

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What is the eligibility criteria for the Debesh Kamal Scholarship?

Indian nationals of all castes, creeds, and religions are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The applicant's age should not be more than 30 years old, and admission to a foreign institution is required. To be qualified for this, the applicant must have obtained it. Indian nationals of all castes, creeds, and religions are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The applicant's age should not be more than 30 years old, and admission to a foreign institution is required. 

To be qualified for this, the applicant must have obtained it.

  • list items A good academic record is required.
  • list items Subjects of study/research preference: Humanities and fundamental sciences
  • list items Applicants who want to study in other fields, such as social sciences, applied science, and technology, are also evaluated.
  • list items Must have sufficient financial resources to meet the additional costs of his/her study abroad.
  • list items Must have been accepted for the intended course/study by a recognised foreign university or equivalent institution.
  • list items Applicants for research should have their research project approved by the accepting institution.
  • Explore alternative of scholarships to finance your education -


    What is the application process for the Debesh Kamal Scholarship?

  • list items To apply, go to the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture's official website, 
  • list items Find the "Application form Released" announcement for the Debesh-Kamal Scholarship.
  • list items Click on it to get the application form.
  • list items Fill out the application form with all of the necessary information, from your educational qualifications to all of the additional characteristics. 
  • list items After completing the application form, mail it to the address listed below together with the required documents and the application fee in the form of a draft. Debesh Kamal Scholarship, Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Gol Park, Kolkata 700 029.
  • Sprinkles

    What are the documents required for the Debesh Kamal Scholarship?

    The documents required for the Debesh Kamal Scholarship are:

  • list items Draft from a bank
  • list items Authenticated photocopy of evidence of age
  • list items Photocopies of academic credentials and mark sheets that have been attested
  • list items Proof of acceptance/enrolment in an international university
  • list items Photograph in passport size
  • list items Outline of the university-approved research project (applicable to research researchers)
  • list items Any other documentation that will help your application.
  • Sprinkles

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    What is the selection process for the Debesh Kamal Scholarship?

    A screening committee constituted by the Mission for this purpose will evaluate all submitted applications.

    Candidates who have been shortlisted will be invited to an individual interview session. The selecting committee will lead the session at: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Gol Park, Kolkata 700 029

    Applicants must cover their own travel expenses to Kolkata in order to sit for this interview. Applicants who live more than 100 km from Kolkata would, however, be reimbursed for their second-class railway fare.


    How can you contact the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture for the same?

    To get your questions and queries answered for the Debesh Kamal Scholarship, you can directly call or mail the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture on the below mentioned contact details. 

    Email address: 

    Contact number: (91-33-) 2464-1303


    Frequently asked questions 

    What is the Debesh Kamal Scholarship application fee for higher education and research abroad?

    You must pay INR 200 to apply for the Debesh-Kamal Scholarship for higher education and research overseas. This application fee must be paid along with the application form that you will mail. This application cost is also non-refundable.

    What exactly is the Debesh Kamal Scholarship for higher education and research abroad?

    Debesh-Kamal Scholarship for higher studies research abroad is a scholarship programme for postgraduate students who desire to study further or participate in a research programme overseas. The scholarship is worth INR 1 lakh. The prize can only be used to pay the program's tuition.

    Is an interview required for the Debesh-Kamal Scholarship for higher education and research abroad?

    Yes, in addition to merit and your application form, candidates are chosen based on a personal interview. These interviews are held to learn more about the candidate and to determine whether he or she is a good fit for a scholarship.

    Can I use the Debesh Kamal Scholarship to cover living expenses while studying and researching abroad?

    No, the Debesh-Kamal Scholarship award for higher study and research abroad should only be utilised to pay the tuition fee. All additional expenditures, such as living expenses, will be borne entirely by the student.

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